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Alone - Balance - Rebalancing

A downloadable game for Windows


So, starting off with an announcement. The next major release should be out - "soon" - most probably within the next 2 months if it all feels balanced enough.

To that end,  it's mostly been quite busy doing technical things - balancing how dangerous the enemies are at each level, that sort of thing.

Whilst I was there, I also rebalanced how the crypt works. I've reduced the immediate difficulty, and instead spread the crypts over 8 levels, getting harder as you go down.

To make it a bit easier to get back into the whole thing - after you reach certain specific levels, you unlock a shortcut so you can continue where you left off.

Another feature I've added to help make the game more user friendly is making it more obvious when you've completed a quest stage.

At the moment there's a little red exclamation mark on the quest button, but you can miss that.

This is a little harder to miss

Clicking on that notification will open the Quest interface on that stage, so you can see what you just did.

And that about wraps it up for this week. It's all going to be small tweaks from now on I think, since most of the major work for the combat system is all done.

Til then

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