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Update V0.0.3

Juniper's Garden
A browser game made in HTML5

Here's a quick list of all the new features in the version 0.0.3 update:

Adjusted Juniper sprites again.

Adjusted the spin attack to last for 0.5 seconds instead of 0.25 seconds.

The spring's boss no longer spawns in the middle of the arena.

The final two waves of winter are no longer incompletable.

Added controller support (Exclusively for Xbox One gamepads.) *

Added a game icon for the downloadable version of the game.

This update was mostly bug fixes and quality of life changes; a larger content update will be published soon (Hopefully).

I didn't write changelogs for older versions, so here's a quick synopsis:


Changed the graphics for ground and fence tiles.

Added ground decorations.

Added winter tile sets.

Adjusted Juniper sprites.

Adjusted ice pea sprites.

Added 5 new enemy types.

Added particle effects for the spin attack.

Added an indicator to show when the spin attack is on cooldown.

The player is no longer able to control Juniper while the game is paused

Broke the first boss.

Broke the last 2 waves Lmao.


Adjusted the balance of some waves.

Added the pause menu.

*Any other controllers may not work with intended button layouts, however, should still be playable.

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