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v0.3 - Going Mobile

A downloadable brainwashing app for Windows, Linux, and Android

Welcome one and all to 0.3 - Going Mobile.

Now with the power of android phones and hypnosis you can be the protagonist of your own poorly written doujinshi.

0.3 comes with a respectable list of changes:

## Major Features

**Android Support**
There is now an APK available for download. Full disclosure: this is only a straight port. There is no UI/UX work done to make it more useable on mobile. Making Programs on mobile is not a good process currently. I would recommend you utilize the import/export features to get Programs onto your phone.

**Linux Support (probably)**
For literally the one person who requested this, here it is. You know who you are. I cannot test it at this stage, so please let me know if it works, more than happy to do some back and forth debugging. Linux ARM 64 also included.

**Stage Reordering**
You can now reorder Stages in the Program editor timeline. No more deleting Stages to change the order.

**Element Reordering**
As above, you can now change the order of Elements in a given Stage, moving them up or down the list.

**Element Order Affects Display Depth**
Related to above, the position of an Element in the Element list affects the order in which they are displayed on-screen. Elements will render on top of other Elements lower on the list than themselves. This excludes Background Color, and Text elements....also Audio Elements are unaffected, obviously.

## Minor Features

- Icons for all platforms
- Splash for all platforms
- Warning/Confirmation before opening links in external browser
- Confirmation before deletion of stages
- Confirmation before deletion of programs
- Save feedback for stages
- Save feedback for programs
- Solo mode exit with ESC
- Updated playback buttons with proper graphics
- Hide image selection button as it does nothing and never will. (images will auto generate from the program/stage directly)
- Assorted UI tweaks.

## Bug Fixes

0.2_006 - Stopped element editor from getting stuck

0.2_005 - Android build packaging crash fixed

0.2_004 - Stopped element editor from staying open between stages

0.2_011 - Stopped being able to solo play empty programs with no stages

0.2_009 - Stopped element buttons from getting stuck in stage elements list when deleted

I hope you all enjoy and create excellent, entrancing experiences.

0.4 will be a big one, including, hopefully, VR support for Android (Google killed Daydream so this might be an issue) and an expanded list of Elements for all your hypnotic needs.

As always, if you have feedback, suggestions, or bug reports please share them on this anonymous google form or feel free to reach out to me on Twitter.

You can also keep up with the project more directly on github where you can see planned features and known bugs.

Once again, thank you for all your continued support and patience.

Stay sleepy,


Download Hypno.exe
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