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Major Changes!


where did the time go on this?

2 months ago I was working on chapter 2 and now I'm not that far from finishing it. However though, the 8 chapters I said turned into 26 main story MISSIONS ranging in length and difficulty. Some might be over 10 minutes while some won't even take you 2. I  think that this GTA style mission system will work and flow a whole lot better since I have a bit more freedom in my gameplay than just 8 chapters.

Anyways I am working on the game a whole lot more now since I'm getting out of school soon and i'll have around 2 full months to just work on it but I guess we'll see.

Anyways, some asked me what the difference between DAT5T and DATMA (Dumbo and the 5 towns vs Dumbo and the magical Airship)

And well, the difference is HUGE!

Here's all of the things I'm implementing that were NOT in Dumbo 1. (Or the original cancelled Dumbo 2.)


Decent cutscenes

Character Development

Side quests

Rewards after each mission

Level hubs

Multiple choices in most story dialogues

Varied bosses (instead of that wolf hunter guy)

An actual main antagonist (I don't count wolf hunter as one since he appears for like 2 minutes combined time.)

New Abilities 

Powers for each party member

Weapons for each of the 3 members.

Easter eggs.

Actually well hidden secrets (oh no, I've already said too much..)

A goal for 100%ing the game

4 30 minute side story mode  that unlocks after beating the game that lets you play as other characters in your party..

Multiple regions


Multi-phased boss fights!

Dang that was a lot to write , my hand kind of hurts now but hey, worth it.

So if you want to play this when it comes out be sure to check up on this game for it's weekly or monthly, I dunno dev logs dedicated to this

games progression with the playable demo also being updated so you can get a small l taste of what's to come in DATMA or...DUMBO 2!

See you all, soon.

I  think I don't know bro.

(Btw, the notepad png is all the story missions I intend to put in the game, not including side quests or other secrets. (frick i said secrets again..)

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