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Billy's Revenge 1.2

Billy's Revenge
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Billy’s Revenge 1.2 is out!

The full changelog is viewable in the main menu, so I’ll go over the highlights: Replays and Settings! Oh no, I’ve run out of things to highlight.


  • Input is even more precise!
  • You can now view and replay games! This took a while, and still has some minor issues when replaying at low speeds, but in general should work pretty well!
  • Settings, change audio, music, the max background rotation, keybindings, and much much more!
    • There are quite a few more accessibility settings, too!
  • Quit button in the game now quits to the main menu instead of quitting the game. Phenomenal.
  • A new game background, which feels a lot nicer, along with an alternate less detailed one in settings.
  • Start of game should be a bit slower, to help smooth gameplay. As always, you can speed up the game to skip through this part!

Overall this update doesn’t change a significant amount of gameplay, but it does make the game feel more like a game. Honestly I don’t have a lot to comment on it, I had no intention of this updating taking as long as it did. I make no promises of to when or if ever but, the next update should hopefully be multiplayer! So if I ever get to doing that, see you then.

To anyone who reads this, I love you!


  • Billy's Revenge 1.2 Windows 12 MB
    Apr 24, 2022
  • Billy's Revenge 1.2 Love 8 MB
    Apr 24, 2022
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