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Tower Of Regression Dev Log 2

Tower Of Regression
A downloadable game

Alright it's confession time. I original marketed and said that this game was going to have turn-based-combat in it which was the plan. However, sometimes plans change. The game is no longer going to have turn-based-combat in it unfortunately. What will be replacing this is a system where you move into a enemy and press the attack button to deal a hit of damage. Once enough damage is done, that enemy will be defeated and you get some points. At the end, whoever has the most points will win. I apologize that I wasn't able to make the turn-based-combat system like I said but I hope that you still look forward to the game nonetheless. This game will be part of Florida Polytechnic University's game jam on April 23 so if you are looking to try some new games you can find this one and a lot of other games during the game jam on Staturday. 

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