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Last bugs fixed

Boi, let's go on a date
A downloadable game for Windows

Close, closer.... We are very very close to get this game published. 

Some weird bugs my team found:

  • Random characters show up on the wrong moment, at places they are not able to go.
  • Ship refuses to be a ship and stays Blair sprite. Which means Blair suddenly is walking across the ocean.
  • Wrong bust picture combined with wrong sound effects.

And some did you knows:

  • Did you know: the game will have 7! endings?
  • Did you know: it is a very bad idea to try to climb the walls?
  • Did you know: missmama watched all videos on the BOI channel in order to get the best quotes and references? 
  • Did you know: the game program crashed one time, making certain scripts useless and we had to go back 2 versions to fix the massive issue? 
  • Did you know: there are more than 25 different enemies in the game? Can you find them all?
  • Did you know: the boys themselves have some roles in the voice acting. They play themselves, Pipi and Callum, the gator boys, goblin and robot?
  • Did you know: there are 7 different animation bits in the game. 2 are already shown?
  • Did you know: the boys are not splitting up this time?
  • Did you know: even though there are 7 endings missmama made it in such a way you don't need to play the entire game again to get different endings (if you give the right answers) 
  • Did you know: missmama will not give you any hints for the endings, until you have reached at least one ending first!
  •  Did you know: we actually listened and there are no random (invisible) encounters?
  • Did you know: you can play stone, paper, scissors in the game to earn gold coins? Missmama is extremely proud it works
  • Did you know: a certain spider almost did not make the cut?
  • Did you know: missmama once had to throw away a full hour of voice acting (luckily it was her own role) because she realised she was laughing every time she had to curse
  •  Did you know: missmama almost gave up the project, due to too many bugs she thought she could not fix? She managed to fix 90% of them
  • Did you know: you can collect certain items to upgrade your weapons? Keep an eye out
  • Did you know: there are a few cows 'hidden' in the game. These are the cows of wisdom. They are events that had random pieces of code and information that was useful to copy into other pieces of code. You cannot interact with the cows of wisdom. Some of them make a sound
  • Did you know: every window color change, every sound effect insert and every symbol in the text boxes had to be done by hand?
  • Did you know: halfway through finalizing the game, missmama thought it was a great idea to include the names in the text boxes? And she had to redo the part she just had finished
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