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  When you're the sole writer of a project and your only feedback comes in the form of rubber-ducking to other designers on the internet, sometimes things slip through the cracks. Wording is confusing, artifacts of older versions may stick around out of place, or sometimes a rule just doesnt work.

  These are the kinds of things ive dealt with a lot as I worked on COGS in the past year-and-a-third. This particular update has a few changes from the previous version.


-Changes to rerolls. The rerolls section had a rule that stated items required for an action should not provide rerolls. This was done to essentially just make rolls harder due to not always allowing rerolls and to restrict the power level of ranged items. However, I decided to remove this text as it felt too complicated to explain for too little benefit. New text will probably be added to the eventual supplemental sections to encourage things like adding negative modifiers to ranged items


-Changed modifiers saying that they apply when used for rerolls to say they apply when used for rolls (as that wording would have made negative modifiers nonexistant)

-Changes to various text errors (aka, general legibility update yet again)


  Ive been working on how I might handle the various supplemental material I want to make for a long time, and finally also began to make steps to further prepare the COGS rulebook for greater things. An experimental version is currently in the works which changes the paper size to A5 (for either a small-sized physical book release or a zine). Once I rearrange the existing text and begin adding the supplemental text (for things such as guidelines or tips), I can begin to finally add artwork and general visual design touchups.

In the meanwhile, however, my work on COGS has been slowing down ever since I started college in march. Be it in the form of financial support, showing the game to new people, or just letting me know anything you like about COGS or want to see added or changed, any feedback will be appreciated.


  • COGS rules v 1.1.4.pdf 277 kB
    Apr 17, 2022
Download COGS - Collaborative One-Shot Generala System
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