Posted April 11, 2022 by Carpetwurm
The last post I made on here spurred some interest from a few musicians who, at this point, have also given up on the project. I decided to just say fuck it, and scrunged up a soundtrack off of opengameart. Along with a few bug fixes, I've put the new hodgepodge of melodies in the game, and drew a very weezy album cover for it. Of course, the soundtrack can be downloaded on its own for free, since it'd be fucked up if I paywalled it. (Considering I don't own any of the music) I did my best to collect something semi-coherent, but of course it ran into a lot of the problems I expected from downloading random songs (Inconsistent volume, not being able to use separate intro/loop tracks, certain tracks not looping as seamlessly as others, the songs "meshing together", etc.)
This will very likely be the final build of Tailbound I publish, unless there's some glaring game breaking issues that need to be fixed. (Or, god forbid, the game actually gets a proper original soundtrack [could you imagine??]) I really did my best here, and am more or less happy with the result. Anyway, I'll leave it to coomers who haven't seen the sun in 20 years to find ways to continue calling the game "unfinished". Thanks for your time & support, it's been real.