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The Queens Knight v0.2

The Queen's Knight
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello everyone,

For this version the following is currently available

  1.  Player movement / collision v0.2
  2. Enemy AI v0.2
  3. Player casting / shooting v0.2
  4. Boss AI v0.2
  5. Fog of War effect made by lighting v0.1
  6. Level 1 design v0.2
  7. Boss health bar v0.1
  8. New skeleton grunt enemy
  9. Displaying weapons v0.1
  10. Random spawns/routes/starting locations v0.1

Bug fixes

  1. Update on sound effects
  2. Skeleton bomber now shows blast radius
  3. Player cannot walk through enemies anymore
  4. Boss didn't die when shot on death animation

Known issues

  1. Whenever the player enters the room, enemies can spawn next to them
  2. Whenever the enemy spawns within the radius of the player, it does not function correctly
  3. Gun going upside down
  4. Being able to shoot during the boss room cutscene
  5. Being able to shoot through the wall when hugging the wall

Planned for the next update

  1. Player walking animation
  2. Health pickup system
  3. Weapon drop/pickup system
  4. Cooldown timer visibility
  5. Weapon reloading
  6. More spells and weapons
  7. Basic HUD upgrade


  • 17 MB
    Apr 08, 2022
  • 33 MB
    Apr 08, 2022
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