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Another Devlog...

A browser game made in HTML5

I added some more things after a couple of days! I worked super hard, and I am almost at the place I need to try to get to!

*Difficulties have been added! You can play on Easy, Normal, Hard, Hardcore, or Hopeless. Each difficulty is harder than the last. The difficulties are in Beta, so they might be a bit glitchy, and they are incomplete.

*New code has also been added. I am only using Scratch to make assets, counters, movement, and the Enemies. I am doing it almost all by myself now, so please be sure to report bugs to me!

*Bullets are now fully functional! They have been removed from Beta. I am super happy about it, since I don't have to worry about it much more.

*Kits have also been added. You can collect 2 kits, one restores your Health, and another gives you more bullets. This also comes with a new Bullet limit, 20.

*And the last thing I will be discussing is that there is more Bug Fixes and Graphical Updates.

Oh! And here is a list of what you can expect to be added soon!

*More difficulties! I want many. I am hoping to make a better score counter too, that displays your Hi-Score for that difficulty.

*I am also adding more diversity to controls. So expect a new way to aim in the nearer future.

*More visual effects are also coming, this includes more particles, a new HUD, maybe a mini-map, but I will talk about that in a couple of paragraphs.

*Enemies that shoot bullets.

*Bosses could also be nice.

*A bigger arena could be fun too. I feel a bit confined right now in the small arena we have, so I may add a mini-map for a top down movement instead.

*And last, but for sure not least, character improvements. Maybe changing your shape, HP bars above enemies, more detail, and so much more!


    Apr 07, 2022
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