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Sleep Walker
A downloadable game
  1. Moving forward, we would like to add aminations to the enemies as well as fix the code to have them move around on the platforms. We'd also like to add another enemy, such as a book that can fly toward the player. Since this enemy will not be level, allowing the player to shoot from different angles might be beneficial to implement as well. Editing the layout and the physics will also allow for smoother gameplay. Another addition we would like to make is working with the tile mapping. This is purely for the aesthetics of the game but will make it feel more interactive for the player. For the final level, we would like to implement a boss, the one in control of all the objects becoming enemies, so the player can go back to sleep peacefully. Polishing up the levels and making sure that everything flows in the same manner is very much needed on this game and something that we would focus heavily on before moving forward with any of the other major updates that we want to have. The base mechanics of the game need to be at 100% so the game does not remain in beta mode. The CineMachine camera also has a more natural movement to it compared to our camera tracking code, which was a good quick fix. But implementing the virtual camera that is offered with CineMachine would allow for a more immersive experience for the player. 
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