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Minor Bugfix Update 0.2.7

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Created a BugFix update for 2.7.
This is to resolve a few bugs that people are having. Some people are stuck in the sex scene with Saki, so she is looping and constnatly sucking your dick (there are worse things) and some other people are having isssue when gifting Saki to Saki (confusing I know).

This update should hopefully make it so those thhings can't happen anymore, BUT they also should allow you to get out of those situations if you are in them. For Saki's Scene, If you are stuck, you should NOW be able to go to the main menu be pressing"Esc" and save your game, upon reloading you should be good !

For the Gifts for saki, there is some conversion code that should allow the game to recognize you purchasing the Saki and allowin you to gift it to her.

For ANDROID users, I'm still experimenting with lots of things. In the last update, you couldn't use the treadmill because it wasonly for Keyboard users. NOW YOU CAN ! I changed it so that if you are on android it switched the keycaps to a TAP button. So you sould only have to tap on it now (hopefully).

Let me know how this runs for you guys !



  • Persona H 43 MB
    Apr 04, 2022
  • Persona H 0.2.7.apk 55 MB
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