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Update (03-Apr-2022)

Delivery Pilot: Dreams and Debts
A browser game made in HTML5

Hi All,

I wanted to give an update on what I've been working on last week.

A week ago, I mentioned I would work on two things.

  1. Add morning scenes in the beginning of that game, that should succinctly explain ranks, how pay scales for missions, and hopefully give the player some direction and things to think about. Right now, I don't think what the player can do is being signaled well to the player.
  2. Add some labels for officers. Currently, there are 6 personalities that affect morale, pay and scenes. By giving them labels, it should help the player make more informed decisions.

I've pretty much finished both of them.

For the first 8 days, as the main character leaves the hanger in the morning, she'll have a short scene which explain the basics of the game. The summary of these explanations are also added to the "help" tab in the menu screen.

I've also added 3 personality types (per gender) to the officer information panels. These already existed, but they weren't super clear. They basically affect how much credits their missions pay, how much morale their missions cost, and also what kind of scenes the main character might have with the officer.

I also made a change to the mission information panel. It now tells you how much morale the mission will cost, later in the day.

You can see both the morale cost and the officer persona here:

Here's how the new hints look like, as well:

Is this helpful? That's 3 of the 8 hints in the first 8 days.

Next week, I'll focus on a bonus system. The idea is that in the beginning of the game, the main character will have 1 or 2 powerful, randomly generated, situational bonuses. These bonuses will be something like 50% more pay from missions starting in security (yellow) stations. Or, maybe 50% more pay from officers of a certain personality. I haven't finalized it yet, but I think this coming week, I'll focus on planning it out, and then the following week, I'll try to build and test it.

If you have any ideas, let me know! Thanks!

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