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0.2.5 Released - Yukiko Amagi Update Complete

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.2.5 Update Released !

Hey everyone, As promised I am releasing 0.2.5 today ! I expect this to be the final update in the 0.2 updates for Yukiko Amagi. She will continue to get updates throughout the project, but I"m moving onto 0.3 which will be about Margaret !

Lots has been fixed and updates in this release, there have been many little odd things that have happened in peoples save files and I am hoping this version fixes those bugs. Let me know how your experience goes with old save files !

There have been lots of new scenes added, Sex Scenes as well as dialog scenes. I'm hoping you all enjoy the extra bits thrown in there.

Yukiko has 2 Sex SCenes available throughout her stroy, as well as a third bonus one.

You can now max out Yukiko Amagi to the full Affection Rank level. You can also get your cleanliness Stat up to about 6 if you find all of the cleaning spots available right now.

Yukiko is now available as a girl to bring to the Steamy Hot Bath, this is an extra scene is available right away for now. In the future I will be locking these down to where you are with the girl in affection rank, but for now have fun !

Chie's house got updated ! (I know right..) It now has a much better interior look, and if you buy the TV for her, that gets added to the room !
Chie's Steamy Bath Room scene also got updated with better design, hope you like it !

Lots of design has been done on the backend, so that when we start unlocking things in the next few updates, these designs are finished. If you are interested in seeing the design process early, you can find those on my Patreon.

With my schedule the way it is, I curerntly work on Persona H Monday-Friday. So I won't have much time to change anything over the weeked, that being said, if there is something major then I can step in and help. Just let me know !

So everyone, enjoy your weekend ! I hope you enjoy this update, and I will talk to you all soon in the future !

See you in 0.3 ! 



  • Persona H 43 MB
    Apr 01, 2022
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