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Subbway - A learning Journey

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello!, this here is my submission for the jam coming this April 2022 for Bitsy. I've literally just found Bitsy around two days ago, and I've already made a game on it. I'm going to be honest, I received support from the community at the discord server. And I also consulted Ayolland's Tutorial on variables. I also found about ruin's pixsy tool which allows me to draw rooms in another tool and then import the rooms from png files. I made a short test and realized that doing this was great, even if I could only import the tiles but no items or sprites. It didn't look much of a bother to me. So with this new tool at hand, I decided I wanted to make a submission because Bitsy looks easy enough to use, and it is, but if you ever come across any problem, I highly recommend anyone who is new in this to lean on the Tutorials and Hacks and the community, everyone there is friendly.

The theme of the jam is Public Transport, I decided I wanted to make an rpg-like game, but soon I realized that it would take days (time I didn't have) to make a proper rpg game. So I just did a short version of what I had in mind. In this game, the player is late for school, and now that the bus is gone, he should find his way into the subway, however, before reaching the subway, he needs to gather 10 important papers (they are important for someone, I bet), and get the favor of one of the employees from the subway station to gain access. 

I feel this has been an awesome experience since I came across some challenges. This is because I decided I would only dedicate a few days ( I ended up using three days when initially I only had meant to spend a day and a half with this). I would like to encourage anyone to give it a try and make a game with Bitsy, you don't need to worry yourself about doing something complex, just something fun. I do hope this game manages to entertain you a bit, and if it doesn't, please, feel free to tell me why. Any feedback is much appreciated.


  • 465 kB
    Mar 28, 2022
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