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Weekly Build -- Gameplay Tweaks

The weekly build is up. This week I spent most of my time making this feel a little bit more like a game. I closed off a lot of areas on the map and added boundaries. You shouldn’t be able to walk off the map anymore. I placed some static items across the map as well.

I had hoped I would be able to make the game fairly difficult this week as well but I think I fell short. It is much harder to stay in one area. The Seeker zombies will pester you. You are also incentivized to move around to find static ammo, items and rescue survivors. Survivors can drop the AK so there is a decent reward for trying. The thing is, you can still kite pretty effectively.

It’s also hard to balance when there are more Buffs to be implemented. So I think for now I am happy where it is. Zombies are more dangerous. There is a zombie that's goal is to make you move. Loot tables are closer to what I envision. I highly recommend you erase your save file before playing the build to see the difference in difficulty.

Speaking of buffs and save files, that's likely what I will be working on first next week. The save system is still really buggy and I need to find out what's going on at this point. In addition I need a way to invalidate players save files. 

Right now the game has no economy because I reward a ton of Beans and all Buffs cost only one can. That's going to change in the next weekly build and I need to make sure there is a way for me to check if a players save file is old and needs to be reset. A necessary evil since this is still in active development and little balancing has taken place.

Buffs costs will rise based on the level you have in them. I'm going to make beans a rarer drop but also likely save after you pick a can up, negating that as a penalty for death. I feel like it's overly punishing to make it so players get no reward at all if they die.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good weekend. The plan is to watch some horror movies and play more Inscryption. I'm really enjoying it so far. It captures so many horror feels in a non standard package. I’ll post again on Tuesday to update on how things are shaping up for the week.



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