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Maze Runner Game

Maze Runner Game
A downloadable game for Windows

So Recently I published this game
Although the game has so few views I am about to share what went wrong with the game what things I learned after this project.


Player Movement

After making the maze I programmed the player so he can move around the maze. The game was coming together at this point.

User Interface

UI of a game should be simple, intuitive and fluid. That's was my goal for making this game UI anyway. I tried making moving UI as you can see from the main menu itself the camera is moving forward slowly but steadily. Once problem I faced with this was the camera will eventually move out of the maze. I solved this by checking the camera position of each frame and if the position of the camera is close to the wall I reset the camera position. 

Adding Textures

So now I added some textures to the walls and made the ground look like its grass. Before the game felt really blocky but hopefully it doesn't feel like that now.

Adding Sound

Even though the game was almost ready at this point there is still something left. One main thing was sound, The game had no audio up till now. The first thing I did was add footsteps sounds. One more problem I faces now was that even though the footstep sound was playing when I was walking in the game the sound felt too unreal. This was because in real life whenever we walk each footstep sounds a little different whereas I was playing the same footstep sound each time. The solution could be to record different footsteps and choose a random one each time. This was time-consuming so what I did was just randomized the pitch of the same footstep in order to give different sounds.

Publishing the Game

After polishing the game a little more I went to and published the game. Now comes the real difficulty which is to market the game and I am really bad at that. So I published a post at Community post. Now my goal for this game was to reach 50 downloads and one or two donations maybe. Right now the goal is still far so I decided to write this dev log in order to market the game and share my journey till now. HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT

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