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Sam Levine Devlog #5 3/22/22

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Overview/Featured Work

These past two sprints in preparation and production of the First Playable Prototype, I started by writing up Github posts of my two current Enemy Designs, the Cosmic Bull and the Daddy Longleg.

These feature all of the necessary detail that other departments need to know in regards to what it would mean for them to bring the enemy to life. I shared these issues with the Engineering and Art team for them to give feedback regarding quality, functionality, and feasibility for implementation into our game. My fellow Enemy Designers and I made it a goal to make up as many good enemy designs as we can, more than we foresee implementing into the game, to give the other departments choice as far as what they would be willing to work on and create.

The last task I worked on was finding and mixing a lot more SFX for the Playable Prototype. Many more requested SFX were posted in the document as other departments realized there was a need in certain areas in the game, so I mainly focused on Sound Engineering in this sprint. I must have found and mixed 20 different SFX. Once I was finished with them, I uploaded them into their respective Google Drive folders, as well as let Jerry know that they were ready to be implemented. Once he started implementing them into the game and checking them off the list, I began playtesting and bug fixing with him to make sure they, one, were playing at the right time, and two, playing at a good relative volume.


While other departments were unable to begin with feedback and implementation, I do know that some Engineers and Artists are beginning work on the Cosmic Bull now. I do wish I had gotten more developers to look at my designs sooner so that more of them could possibly have been implemented in the Prototype, I understand that they had a lot of work themselves and may not have gotten the chance to finish anything in time and a lot of other things needed polishing. I also was not entirely pleased with the volume balance of all of the SFX, but that will be finetuned down the line.

Next Steps

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, I will be having other developers review my Enemy Designs, as well as fine-tuning the audio levels. I also anticipate some mixing for some of the songs that Dylan and Hunter are finishing up.


  • U.Whispering-Abyss_FP_03. 240 MB
    Mar 22, 2022
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