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Nate's Devlog 5- More and More Journals!

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

With the success of the first playable prototype in the rearview mirror, the narrative department can get back to stuff the abyss with lore! Some great points were raised in today's presentation and it gave me a ton to think about! I talked to the design lead about how many descriptions we want to add into the game since we want the game to stay as fresh as possible for as long as possible. This means a bunch of descriptions instead of just one because every item can be collected infinitely. More times the item is picked up = more opportunities to tell a story and keep the game fresh. No one wants to read the same description over and over again.

As shown in the image above, I've been working a lot on journal entries because I really believe it's going to be the primary story element. It's difficult to tell a story holistically when you have a max of two characters who speak English. The journals are going to contain so much about the abyss and I look forward to working with other departments to spruce them up anyway I can. Art for overall look and feel of the actual pages and design for cool places to hide them within the world. It's been a bit rough getting the writing into the game thus far, but now that we've hit the major milestone, we should be good to go and implementation can hit full throttle.

Looking back at these past two weeks, I can say that although we ran into so many snags along the road (RIP my laptop) we persevered and made something we can be proud of. It's nowhere near done but instead of simply raising the bar it's important that we acknowledge that our vision has already started coming to fruition. Moving forward, my next steps are pretty simple. Continue writing the story and adding multiple journal entries per week and keeping up with the list of items that are being added into the game. Those particular items I'll be writing a bunch of descriptions for so they can get imported directly into the game. I'll be overseeing that process with the Design lead since he really wants to start implementing waaaaaay more items. Until next time!



  • U.Whispering-Abyss_FP_03. 240 MB
    Mar 22, 2022
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