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#11 Finishing up

Let's have lunch together!
A browser game made in HTML5

Some last minute changes

The final level has been added, I've ended up with 12 levels. Right now there is no indication that the game is finished. So I will quickly add an end screen.  

For fun, I uploaded my character model to Mixamo to see what it looks like animated. This never made it into the game because I did not have enough time. I've never used animations in Unity, so there wouldn't be enough time to correctly add this in my levels. However, I did have just enough time to add a dancing character on the victory screen. This is also quite fitting, so I'm happy with this result.

Getting a working build

Now that the end screen is done, it's time for a final build. I had some trouble getting the build working. Exceptions kept getting thrown. This was however not my first build, so there wasn't much panic. Once I restarted my laptop, the build went fine and took about 10 minutes. 

I will spend the final hours testing my game, so there are no game breaking bugs when I submit it.

I could just load every level separately and test it. However, I felt like to get the best experience, I needed to play it from the beginning. To test any discrepancies between my build and Unity play mode, I also wanted to make sure to test using the build version. This was a good call because I immediately found some UI differences. This was an easy fix by changing the "UI Scale Mode"  to "Scale with Screen Size". There were also a few game-breaking puzzle errors. These mostly happened because I copied some gameobjects from the previous level to the next level, and I forgot to delete the puzzle data sometimes.  After fixing puzzles, it still wasn't working. Turns out, some of the logic I wrote was incomplete, so the IsGoalComplete condition always returned false for some objectives. Oops. Fortunately, that was an easy fix. I will now upload the game here and test it a few final times.

I will probably add one or two more posts here talking about my experiences with my first game jam.

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