is community of indie game creators and players


BUILD 0.8330

A downloadable Platformer for Windows

BUILD 0.8330

the following errors have been fixed:

Health points, reset points, amount of gold

may have been saved/loaded incorrectly.

Various adjustments/balancing of the maps.

Adjustment of the playable area of the map: player can move further to the left.

Various other changes.


not all content is available in the playable demo/beta.

Source code:

Source code is offered separately for a small fee.

Source code: Required environment: PureBasic 6.x 64Bit, Windows 10/11 64Bit


Of course, source code is not error-free.

There is certainly a lot to optimize.


The source code may be changed at will and compiled for your own purposes, but not distributed.

Compiled programs based on this source code or parts of the same may be distributed without restrictions.

However, a reference to the originator would be nice.

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