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Weekly Build - Beans!

Kind of a rocky day with a lot of unexpected bugs but the first weekly build is here. I got everything I wanted wrapped up pretty quickly this afternoon. The plan was to have the perk menu with some debug buttons to help people test. They would let you reset your build and award yourself beans. They worked great in my development build but they are non functional in the actual build. I have no clue why. I tinkered with them for a while and decided to give up on that for now.

So you will have to earn your beans the old fashioned killing zombies! To facilitate testing I have added “Beans” as a common drop to the zombies loot table. I have also made every rank of every perk cost only one Bean. You must still survive the round to keep your Beans but I have halved the level survival time. Finally, the main menu has a “DELETE SAVE” button. If you are getting any save weirdness or want to reset your build you can click this.

At the beginning of the week I had planned to get all the perks working before moving on. I think I am going to leave the last 5 turned off for a week instead. This little tech demo is getting dangerously close to being a game. I think it is time to start smoothing out the level and doing some balancing. 

I am going to take the next week to add boundaries to the level so you can’t just walk off the edge. I'm going to close off areas that you shouldn’t be able to get behind. I'm going to add more spawners and survivor camps. I am also going to start tuning zombies so they are much more dangerous to an unbuffed player. I'm hoping to have a decently well put together level by Friday next week.

I don’t think I will update again until Monday. I got a Steamdeck this week and I'm probably going to spend the weekend messing around with it and gaming. If you have been reading my Dev Diaries, I really appreciate it. I hope you have a smashing weekend!


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    Mar 17, 2022
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