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The Hotwife
A downloadable game

Apparently I haven't been updating the Itch page as much as my Patreon, Apologies for that. This is kinda a shitty update to get back on track for but here is an update from this morning from my Patreon Page....


Work had been going quite smoothly recently and I was feeling really good about where the  game has been going and the progress that was being made.

That came to a screeching halt a few weeks ago when my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. So our family life has been thrown for a complete loop as you can imagine and I am not sure where my energies will lie coming up. Definitely family, then work, then wherever I have the mental capacity to devote time to. Right now that is my rugby team as they are a 2nd family and it's a great sport to get emotions out.  

Apologies for the bummer update but I want you to know that I am still here and I'm not abandoning my little passion project. Payments will once again be paused for the upcoming month.

Tell someone close to you that you love them today.


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