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Jam Reflection & Mayor 0.5 Plans

mayor: lost opportunity
A downloadable game

I already posted a postmortem of the Brackeys Game Jam on my blog, but I wanted to dive a bit into the future of "mayor" and my general plans for this account. The first thing I did when the jam ended was to check my ranking: 721. The obvious improvement to focus on is audio -- of which none was present in my submission. I received some varied feedback, but nothing too concrete. 

My vision for "mayor" remains the same, a game that messes with the player and slowly instills a sense of dread in them while also urging them to explore. To accomplish the next steps, I created a new type of game design document that combines the 1 page GDD with the Brackeys jam system. This 2 page document helps me prioritize features and maintain scope.

The release for 0.5 is projected to be in June, mostly because I will be working on other jams and prototypes. The planned features from order of most importance to least:

  1. Item interaction.
  2. Puzzle setup. 
  3. Improved fire.
  4. Audio.
  5. Visual effects.
  6. Improved story.
  7. Text triggers.
  8. Environmental design.
  9. Improved controller.
  10. In-game menu.

There are a few more that will be revisited later. The 0.5 release will serve as the "post-jam patch" that will include WebGL support. The main objective is to finalize the core features of the game and improve the systems needed to create an engaging player experience. After this release, the subsequent ones will be focused on building out the full game.

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