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0.1.9 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.1.9 is now Released !

So, even though I mentioned it's about to be a SLOW week coming up here. I stil lwanted to give back to you all before then.

So here is 0.1.9 ! It's a little rough at the moment, but the new changes are implemented. Margaret now has a Sex Scene for you right at the beginning of the game.

On that note, you will need to play the game over with new saves, this is a pain I know but I had to rework how levels were being loaded. It sucks right now, but in the long run it allows for a more modular experience !  This is the price we must pay while the game is still in development !

Saki has now been updated desgin wise as well, unfortuantely I have only done this for her Neutral expression in Casual clothes and Work Uniform. This means you will get some design changes throughout her dialog choices, but most of it is with the new changes ! Think of it as testing to see how it works in the game, and let me know if you see anything that needs to be fixed.

Thanks again to my First Ever Patron over at Patreon ! That is a huge milestone and I'm super excited about it. What I would like to do next then is work on the benefits of being a patreon. Don't worry, this is a two-headed approach that affects both non-patrons and Patrons alike. What I will be implementing is a "Wish"-like system where the player can pray to the Fox Shrine in Inaba. once they pray, they will be "Punished" or "Praised" by the gods there. Eahc punishment and praise is something simple, but worth trying out ! Each "God" at the shrine will be a Patron username, with a small event that occurred from them ! I hope you all enjoy it and it acts as both a benefit to the Patrons and to the players.

I will try my best at getting this up and running ASAP !

Finally, thanks to everyone that reaches out to me. I appreciate the feedback and it only makes me want to work on the game more !

Hope to hear from you all soon, have a good weekend and Spring Break !

See you later,



  • Persona H 29 MB
    Mar 12, 2022
Download Persona H : The Midnight Channel
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