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Update #6 (March 12)

A downloadable game

This week, we finished our Ubisoft playtest session and received some very useful feedback that will allow us to refine our game by the Beta release, and we will be spending the next week to implement our finishing touches for the beta release as fast as we can! The dev team made good progress on the game despite running into issues (once again) with merging all of our code together, and we managed to implement a functional death screen, adding the prototype comics into the game cutscenes, adding sound effects that Le Shen made into the game, and fixing lightning issues that were present when loading the scenes for the first time in Unity. Apart from that, we also modified our game in response to the playtesting we did earlier in the week as well by making the controls more intuitive and making the visual feedback on passing or failing a typing event more clear! Our OCAD team is working on finalizing the models and comics that we need for the game and we will implement them into the game when it is done! In the upcoming week, all teams are working to finishing whatever work they have leftover so that we can assemble it into the beta release and we will remove most of the free assets that we used from the unity store so that the game is not so massive.



Xuyan Ding(Kevin): Reworked the model and interaction part of the tutorial level, and worked on typing feedback animation. Worked with Jia on UI.

Javan Graham: Reworked main code interaction at the tutorial level and worked on typing feedback audio.

Jia Zhao: Worked on the scene transitions, game UI, and game audio.


Shannen Guntoro: Gun Added with Textures and animations. Added textures to the character. Added shooting animations to the character (Walk with gun and shooting)

Anantha: Worked on arts and models for the shooting level. Worked on the comic for cut scenes.

YunTing He: Worked on the comic for cut scenes.


Le Shen: Sound effects.

Download Type-To-Win
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