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Arcana Girls Version 2!

Version 2 Patch Notes:

- Magician HP reduced to 8.

- Vesture increased to 6+RES.

- Levelling Up: Advancements changed for balance and to expand a magician's options.

- Witch's Egg: A section detailing mechanics for when to obtain a Witch's Egg, what can be done with a Witch's Egg, and the potential consequences for a failed ritual using a Witch's Egg.

- Resources: A section with 4 pre-built encounters, including 3 Witches and their abilities, labyrinths, and familiars. These encounters can be used or modified. These encounters can also be presented to players in succession to create a short campaign.


  • ARCANA GIRLS v2.docx 38 kB
    Mar 10, 2022
Download Arcana Girls: Brilliant Sonata
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