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becoming high moon

high moon
A browser interactive short made in HTML5

I just spent a hectic night of updating node versions (version 10.0.4 does not have the replaceAll-function?! How did we even live in 2019?) and fiddling with dependencies (version 14.6.2 breaks the javascript obfuscator...) to be able to deploy this thing almost three years after I originally abandoned it.

When I made it, I thought of it as a prologue to a point-and-click game I Was Going To Make. With many characters, meaningful choices, and lots and lots of dialogue. When I look at it now, I see lots and lots of misplaced ambition. No, 2019-elisabeth, you did not need to implement a twine-based dialogue framework in a JavaScript game engine mostly made for 2D-platformers.

But what's done is done. And when I decouple the actual thing I made from the fantasy thing I originally wanted to make, I get a(n arguably very) short, interactive story about public transit and going away from home. So this is what it is now.

The next time I'm using Ren'Py.


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