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0.1.7 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.1.7 Released ! 

Wow, this was a bit of a rollercoaster while working on this update. I was just trying to get to the dialog scenes for Saki but I kept having computer issues while writing it. Dialog got wirtten then rewritten due to this.. Regardless, I got the funcitonality compeleted and Saki can now go up to Rank 8 which is Infactuated !

New Sex Scene is available for Saki. You can now have Sex with her, and after the storyline taks you there you can request it. This is still a work in progress, but the visuals are there for you and the dialog at least makes sense.

There is a new demand to complete from Saki, you will need ot go and purchase Absinthe from Yosuke at the Junes store.

There have also been some optimisations done and bug fixes as well.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for checking it out !


  • Persona H 33 MB
    Mar 09, 2022
Download Persona H : The Midnight Channel
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