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Sam Levine - Devlog #4 3/8/22

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Overview/Featured Work

This past week I once again worked on finding SFX, designed an enemy, but also helped conceptualize the aesthetic of a character for Whispering Abyss.

One of the major things I did in regards to SFX, besides finding more of them, was that I created a document in which my coworkers can submit ideas for SFX that they require for characters/enemies/items/UI and describe how they would like them to sound.

Following that, I can search for and mix a sound effect to fit that purpose, then list it in the section underneath, where Jerry can then indicate when that sound has been implemented.

Below that, I have a template that Jerry can follow for the structure of a script he was planning on making for every kind of object in the game.

After that, I designed an enemy that I called the "Daddy Longleg". There was a call for more ranged enemies, so I took one of the concepts that I had drafted before initially and expanded upon it. Daddy Longlegs are slow moving, tanky, yet long-ranged enemies with, well, long legs that can reach out and snatch at the player from a distance. Daddy Longlegs are meant to be an enemy that walks up slowly to a player, sometimes cornering them, and using their long-ranged but disjointed hitboxes to damage the player, but if the player has the right awareness and positioning, they can parry or dodge the leg attacks and then kill the Daddy Longleg.

Finally, I worked with Katerina in conceptualizing the character Tim, who is meant to be the shopkeeper in Whispering Abyss. I had originally envisioned him to be a goofy-looking, pleasant guy who resembles one of my past teachers who is also named Tim. I think that having something that is somewhat joyful and peaceful, or at least a bit less chaotic, will be a nice break for the player with all the horror elements in the game. I got the inspiration for how I imagined his visual aesthetic from Terminalmontage (YouTube) animations, in which the character's features are just slightly off but in a really cute and rendering way (pictured below), and offered showed that idea to Katerina, who is going to come up with a final drawing of Tim soon.


This week I struggled with breaking down all of the pieces of the things I needed to work on. I think I may have taken on too much work between Design and Audio, and think that in the future, at least until the Playable Prototype is completed, I should focus on Audio so that I can deliver more quality work and not be so all over the place. All things considered, I think I did an ok job getting my work finished.

Next Steps

Next, I will primarily work on finding the remaining SFX for the playable prototype. I will also mix whatever Dylan and Hunter finish as far as music goes. In addition to that, I will meet with any Artists or Engineers who are looking over my enemy designs to get those up and running and make adjustments to fit feasibility.

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