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0.1.6 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.1.6 Released.

This was a fun and random update, lots of things have been improved.

First off, We have a windowed mode and a fullscreen mode. We always have, but now it is available in the options of the main menu ! Go to options and you can select windowed mode. The main difference here is that right now you can select between 720 windowed or 1080 windowed. This should help with those that wanted windowed, but were getting different resoloution issues. 

I fixed certain dialog and character titles in the introduction. Igor is no longer flirting with you... It's now definitely Margaret like it should have been ! Also, I'm thinking of adding a quick Sex Scene in the introduction, what do you think ? 

Added in some more Yosuke lines, so that it makes sense as to when you can go to Junes. On that note... Every day's great at your junes ! because it is time for a real JUNES BACKGROUND ! Hooray ! It's not complete, but it looks pretty decent for now ! 

At the homebase, I worked on som random design issues. Teddy isn't so big now, and the bed and treadmill now have white glowy location buttons. The treadmill is now a part of the BG when you buy it, which also means that BGs can be dynamic based on what you have done in the game ! 

Treadmill funcitonalityis greatly improved. It is more of a game now, if you miss the buttons it will deplete energy, if you hit the buttons then there is a chance it will deplete energy. Improving your Endurance will now improve you Energy  ! So running on the treadmill will actually help you out at the mine now !

Saki's Sex Scene now has improved dialog, and it feels more like the final product. The designs have been worked on now, as well as requesting the Blowjob from her. Should be pretty streamlined now once you get to that part in the game.

That's all for now, working away on the next release to get to Saki's next Sex Scene !  Not too much left in 0.1 other than finishing off Saki's stuff. Then we can get to some of the really cool things in 0.2 ! Can't wait !

As always, let me know if there are any issues or things you want me to look at. Thanks  !



  • Persona H 33 MB
    Mar 07, 2022
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