is community of indie game creators and players


Dev Log 1

We started Friday by refining our idea and trying to fit that core vision into a packable game, refining the 5 different brain challenges we would have and how we could incorporate that. We then decided what we were all capable of doing in the small amount of time. For us we wanted to match the mental health intentions behind the jam and with the theme of chains we really wanted to give our game a deeper meaning. Some of the ideas behind the game design was supposed to depict the playable character building back the inside of the mind, and freeing the person who was supposed to be you from the mental chains they face.  So for Saturday we had put together the first 2 stages off our block out and had the player model. On the programming side we were looking good but due to us missing some team members one of our designers time was taken away and with Github halting our progress by not saving our changes and malfunctioning heavily, the two stages worked on  were gone. Then, on Sunday we had what seemed to be more success with the blockout and the textures seemed to be doing ok, but we had further problems with Github overwriting lots of progress on the level and multiple features not saving which, and then with the time constraints we couldn't make the needed adjustments that we figured out we needed relating to the character material. On the good side, the experience was enjoyable and we all did learn a lot and gain valuable experience and used new software and applications , and strengthened the skills we already had within the applications we were comfortable with. 

Download The Unchaining of Josh's Mind
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