is community of indie game creators and players


Some fine tunings

We Build Cities
A browser game made in HTML5

Hi..  welcome back,

In today's devlog I will tell you about the fact that I added a place where you can throw unwanted resources and because I couldn't find your mom's mouth as a .fbx file I had to use a trash bin... So yea you can throw stuff now  Wohoo 🥳

Added a nice little spinner thingy to see the "charging time"  when you are in a zone.

- I've put different skin on each inventory item so you can easily identify what exactly you have in your backpack
- showed your inventory's capacity and when is full
- very subtle camera shake

Soon I will have to give proper aesthetics to the game and add multiplayer 🤝

The game is updated as which every devlog, please try it out is Free 😁 (aaand I left the capacity of the inventory to 100 by mistake so have fun with it, it wont last long) 

P.S. Have you seen the Dog (2022) movie, I excepted something better 😕 ?

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