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Alone - Balance - Copper & Iron

A downloadable game for Windows


So this week I worked on adding copper and iron weapons.

There's now much more to choose from, and there should be something for multiple combat styles, whether you want to charge in and do inaccurate damage, or strike accurately, or rely on critical hits, or even forgo a shield for something more aggressive.

Let's take a look at some of them then shall we ?

Starting with some of the copper weapons - we have the mace, which is a bit inaccurate, but has a bonus to damage dealt.

The copper spear is an improvement on the copper dagger, which deals more damage, is accurate, and has more chance of landing a critical hit

And the greatsword is a two handed weapon which trades the use of the shield for accurate and powerful damage

Iron is the third material on the list. Moving to iron-made weapons is a great improvement on copper. The archetypes are essentially the same, they're just better.

So if you're used to fighting with stone maces for that extra damage, a copper mace is better, and an iron mace better than that.

Let's take a look at some of the iron weapons now, and starting with the bo - despite the fact that there's no iron in it - it is instead made of hardwood. It's essentially a more powerful mace, but since you need two hands to use it - you can't use a shield

The iron rondel is an easy to make weapon which doesn't do that much damage, but is pretty accurate, and if it lands a critical hit, it's rather painful.

And finishing off with the iron battleaxe - a balanced weapon, better than the sword in every way - but harder to get ahold of

So yeah, that's it for this week. Next week I'll finish off the last of the materials for weapons - Orium, then there's going to be a bit of technical stuff on the way, but after that - I start giving the same treatment to shields and armour.

Til then

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