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A Prototype of a Demo?

Bird Watcher
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello and Welcome!

Come on in, please make yourself at home. We have fresh builds in the other room, and if you come straight ahead you'll find some finely written development logs, if I do say so myself. Oh and before I forget, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael Feldman, a game designer from the DC area.

Today's the day

It was the first day the game has been opened to testers outside of close family. Why March 3rd? Well it is not by mere coincidence. And it certainly was not because I thought the game was ready to show people. 

Thursday, March 3rd. Represents 50% of my demo development budget. I started in November, and I must pitch in July. So even though the current build is only halfway to a completed demo, I was aiming to have an MVP by this 50% mark. However the current build is still very much a prototype. Hence the blog title. I will probably continue to call these builds demo prototypes, because they are indeed early mock-ups of what the actual demo would look like.

Thank You

If you are reading this now, you are probably one of The Three first testers of Avian Brain.

The process up until now has been nothing short of amazing. I've learned so much, and not just about games, but about the earth, birds, and architecture. What I'm beginning to learn to love about game design is that it offers an opportunity to learn about the world.

I'm so thankful for this opportunity. To my previous boss, for blessing me in starting on my own journey. To my family for trusting me to plunge into the deep end. To The Three for your bravery and kindness in testing and providing feedback. To my local community of game designers for giving me a sense of belonging. Without you, I I don't know where I would be. But probably not here.

Thank you :)

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