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Devlog 8 - First Mission Mechanically Done!

Duck Thief
A downloadable game

Heyo! Long silence, I know, really sorry about that. I’ve found it so much easier to post my progress (weekly-ish) on twitter (@badspookydev), and it made me forget a little about these devlogs, but I’m here now to fill you in!

So, the first mission is mechanically done! This means pretty much I just have to work on some of the art and dialogue and it should be complete, which is really exciting, and I already have some cool ideas for the next one!

I know I said it was almost done like, 9 months ago, but I actually didn’t spend too much time of that on the mission itself, here’s the real meat of this update:

  • New Weapon: M2 Rifle - Semi-auto rifle with a long delay between when you trigger it and when it shoots, spam the trigger during this period to charge the shot for a massive final blow.

  • Robbing & Looting: The game finally lives up to its name! Throughout missions there will be bits and pieces you can steal for extra cash (registers, loose change, etc.) on top of what you earn for completing a mission. With this you can get new weapons, gadgets, skins, and mods!

  • Drilling: On top of stealing stuff, certain items, like safes will required to be drilled before you can access them, this will usually take a while, but can contain things that will fetch a higher price than normal.

  • Enemy Interference: Enemies can now interact with some items, should they choose to do so, and this will generally be at your expense. Things like stopping your drills if you leave them unattended.

  • Stealth Tripwires: In stealth you might come across laser tripwires, take good care not to trip them, or else you have a limited time to go to an alarm box and reset it or else the alarm goes off and you’re thrust into combat!

  • Status effects: You can give enemies status effects with certain weapons & mods, and some of these synergise with each other!

  • Map: You can pull up a map that shows a layout of your current mission, as well as where your current objective is.

There’s so much more, there’s like alien dudes, laser sniper dudes, much more art in the game now, much more feedback to the combat, AI overhauls, exciting weapon mods, SFX, so much cool stuff I just can’t write about it all.

So if you want to see some of this stuff visually, most of it will be on my twitter, I don’t have time to compile it all here now sadly, but if I’m silent here just know that the game’s still being made and making great progress, thanks so much for taking the time to check it out! <3

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