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Journal entry 2

Project A
A downloadable game for Windows

Date: 1.-2.3. 2022

Invested hours (times approximate, my time tracking software was off for the last two days) : 10m installation + 30m tutorials + 210m designing a level


  • I imported the 2D game toolkit
  • I read all the tutorials to get to know it and what it is capable of
  • I designed my level


  • 2D game toolkit seems to have some dubious features. When I try to push boxes over an edge, they slow down a lot before falling, and I can't figure out a reason as to why that happens. Also, when looking closely at Ellen(player character) standing on a platform, she doesn't seem to be moving fluidly, vibrating back and forth a tiny bit instead
  • Being able to move Ellen in the scene while debugging is helpful - I don't have to replay the level every time
  • I don't know how to debug stuff - I tried having a door be opened when Ellen enters a particular area using a combination of a 2D box collider and a trigger, similarly to how it was done in the first project. However, the same trigger script was not available, so I tried using the closest fit. However, it didn't work for reasons unknown, and I had no idea how to debug it, so after trying a few different parameters, I had to go back to using pushable buttons.
  • Being a bit of a perfectionist, I wasn't happy with game objects being at long float coordinates after being dragged into the scene, so in the first half of the level, I went all the way and rewrote every coordinate to perfectly align. It was, for the most part, a waste of time.

Outcome: The build of the 2D game toolkit with my level.


  • 62 MB
    Mar 02, 2022
Download Project A
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