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Corruption of Arcana Weekly Devlog 6

Corruption of Arcana Y1
A downloadable game for Windows

This week we are getting demo ready with some new mechanics and final touches. A lot of work is being added and fixed this week especially with the demo release only a week away. With all of these new changes we have unexpectedly thrown ourselves into version 0.9. So without further ado here are all the changes you will be able to experience next week in Corruption of Arcana:

Intro Changes

New additions have been made to our intro to help it feel more natural

  • New card sprites have been added & old sprites resized
  • A new background has been added with some details to help add to the feel of the intro 

World Changes

The world may look and sound a little different from the last time you played, this is due to

  • A change in lighting around Thoth to make darker areas more brighter
  • A darker fog around Thoth to make the atmosphere more intense
  • Rock circle around the blossom tree in the market 
  • Grass can be found around Thoth to help the world look more connected with its 2D/3D counterparts
  • 2 refurbished music tracks
    • Your fortune unfolds
    • The battle is on
  • Dialogue has been added to realm map travel nodes, each node has an activity which is either neutral or has a positive or negative outcome. 
  • A background for Thoth's battles has been created and now added
  • A new sprite has been created for a variation of the smaller sentient golems

Inventory Changes

Multiple problems have been fixed on the inventory screen this week, this includes:

  • Fixing the gold counter
  • Adding a potion count for Health and Arcana Potions
  • Adding a button for the use of Health and Arcana potions
  • Health and Arcana stat bars should represent the same value to make it easier to see how much you need to replenish

Combat Changes

A new mechanic has been added which you will notice when you are victorious in battle

  • Players can choose 1 of 5 cards to add to their deck, these cards are your spell cards and can be sold to a fortune teller in exchange for gold which will be able to be spent on potions or spent in taverns to heal up at a smaller cost than potions
    • Buying potions is not currently available in the game
    • The Tavern is currently still in testing and as such is not in our current build

Known Issues

  • Taro sprite not rotating or changing sprites when running
    • This issue is being looked at by our programmers as well as lecturers here in the studio to help find the cause of the problem
  • Some buildings in Thoth have no colliders and so the player can walk right through them

Final prep is underway for our demo with some last minute art additions and some polishing of mechanics, but we are excited to be able to show our progress with all of you. But until next week, remember...

Fortune favors the bold! - JD

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