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v2.0 (final update) is still live!

How To Rob A Gas Station
A browser game made in HTML5

Yep you read that right, this is the final update. Other than general bug fixes, of which I'm sure there will be. Anyways, I'll go on with the changelog.


10 endings? More like 22 endings(!!!!!!!!). Though that number could be more or less, there's literally too many endings for me to remember.

I'll give some hints:

  • Go to the gas station without your gun
  • Shoot the sink
  • Shoot the toilet
  • Shoot the microwave

Nice To Haves:

The speedrun timer includes hours because some people liked to do long runs, and using third party software is lame.

Speaking of using third party software, you can change the interact key binding. Only from E to the mouse buttons just because it was easier. Though I'd recommend using right click (RMB) because you use left click (LMB) for shooting still.

I should probably keep a changelog WHILE I'm making the changes so I can actually know what I did between updates, because I'm genuinely forgetting...

Oh yeah! Credits! Now you can find out who made this game with the Windows 98 introduction music! (Spoiler alert: there's only 2 credits).

I hope that's all I've done. The only other nice-to-haves that I can think of are for debug builds only, so only I have them.

Bug Fixes:

Who would've thought that this incredibly scuffed game would have bugs that require fixing?

To those people who said that they weren't getting the rat escape ending. That WAS a bug. The counter that counted how many rats you killed was never reset. Basically, if you killed a rat any time in a session, it would not give you the rat escape ending. But that's fixed now so cool.

I think that's about it. Other than the fact that this is the final update (other than bug fixes).

I truly appreciate all of you for playing my crappy little game. I never expected it to get nearly as many views/downloads/plays as it did. And that's super slammin' (I'm watching DankPods as I'm writing this) that it did get as big as it did, even if in the grand scheme of things it's still pretty small but THAT DON'T MATTER. For my first "real" project, 27.9k views is more popular than Windows XP, and that's awesome. And the speedrunning community is full of awesome people that I enjoy talking to (though I feel it's one sided as I go on long technical nerdy loser spiel).

So what's next? Well, get this, I'll definitely make more games... at some point, I'll be taking a (hopefully brief enough) break. I do have a design document from someone, and while I absolutely love the game he's proposing, I'll leave that on the side burner until I feel more comfortable making bigger games (or perhaps even having more people, but that's definitely too ambitious, and I'm broke). But before that big game, I'll make some smaller games that are more adventure-based like this game.

Anyways, until then. See ya.


Reading through my old posts for the hell of it and spotted a pretty smelly typo, and I think one in the title too? But I don't wanna touch that for archival sake (why am I like this).

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