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0.0.32 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.0.32 has now been released.

This update is more of a housekeeping update but I did add another layer to a Sex Scene !

Some fixes were made fro mthe last build as well as some optimization. Main things to notice in this update are :

- Added next affection rank 'Infactuated", this should be available to you now after gaining enough affection points for Chie on her previous rank "Steady"

- Added affection points just for doing requests ! That's right ! you now get rewarded for rewatching scenes ! Isn't that what we all want ?

- Added an addition to the Sex Scene with Chie. This is only available when you are at rank "Infactuated" with her.

- Added a new expression for Chie, this is the "Turned On" expression. It's still a work in progress but I'm scattering it throughout the game so far. 

- Changed the look of some of the buttons, still just trying out some new designs

- Changed the Main Menu screen to reflect which girl this update is about ( girl on the right ) and which girl the next "Major" update is about (girl on the left)

- Various bug fixes and tweaks from dyanmic clothing update 


  • Persona H The Midnight Channel 22 MB
    Feb 24, 2022
Download Persona H : The Midnight Channel
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