is community of indie game creators and players


#1 - This is a kind of Blog

The Gift Of Dice Newsletter
A downloadable newsletter

Hey folks! I feel like writing things about the status of my projects or sharing cool stuff I came across that might be relevant to people in general and so this is it.

These posts won't be consistent by all means. Every now and then when I gave something useful or relevant to post, or even sometimes if I find it important to promote something for myself or others, I'll make one of these. I'll avoid posting more than once a week, though.

In the Works

fantasypunk: I am working on a big update for (fantasypunk)[]. since I imported the project to GitHub I've been a lot more and a lot less productive at the same time (more about it below). 

I have been entertaining the idea of itch funding it to take the time off from other jobs to pour into it as well as commissioning editing and illustration and layout and all!

some minor games: I got some minimal and one-pagers waiting to see the light of day. The next is going to be Pain // Princess, a game of princess warriors.

GM/Facilitator for Hire

I got into a platform called Start Playing Games, and it's been really interesting. I've run some games already and I had a great time plus it means a nice boost to my income.

I make a point in only running indie games, both because I genuinely like the games I run and because we've got enough of the dragon game already.

I've got full tables of Masks, Thirsty Sword Lesbians and Troika, and I set up dates for Wanderhome, Lost Eons (one sheet), And Venture Forth, Travel Not Advised and many more interesting games.

Also, I keep two community seats (free) for POC and members of the Global South communities. It is really something. Check it out:

Thanks for reading and I look forward to the next update!

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