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Sam Levine - Devlog #2 2/22/22

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Sprint Work Overview

This sprint for working towards the Proof of Concept I mainly worked in the Audio department with Dylan and Jerry. I was tasked with finding and mixing the rest of the SFX, mixing the menu music, and working with Jerry on giving feedback on the sound implementation.

Work Showcase

Going into more depth about my work, I mixed four additional SFX, the menu button sounds, and refined the gunshot SFX. I adjusted the gunshot SFX to be a little more muted and punchy, and not so sharp sounding with a long decay, as instructed by Dylan. The menu button SFX, while not fully implemented, was very fun to mix because I added lots of reverb to them to give them a sense of space and depth, and they are actual notes from Dylan's synthesizer program that are meant to sound dissonant with the music as they ring out.

I also mixed the menu music that Dylan composed (pictured below). I also added some automated panning to the fourth Rhythm track, since Dylan made a glitchy sounding synthesizer track that he initially only had very low in the mix, but I re-EQed it to stand out in the mix and made it pan back in forth in time with the music and it adds a really gnarly effect as the song progresses and loops. Though we will be expanding upon this song in the future since we were only able to come up with a small sample, I'm excited to experiment more with effects to add to it.


I successfully found and mixed the SFX and the menu music, but implementation with Jerry got to a bit of a late start. Still, we'll be in good shape to fix everything during the next sprint, and implementing other sounds as well as music should be a breeze at that point. The next steps for audio are most likely composing more of the songs, fixing current implementation problems, and possibly some voice acting, but we will probably spread all of those things throughout multiple sprints.

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