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0.0.29 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.0.29 Is officially released !
This update was focused mostly on Chie's Sex Scene and making sure it dynamically changes as you bring up her affection level. I have officially made it so that you can raise her affection up to that of "Crush" which allows you to have a nude sex scene with her.

There are 3 types of the sex scene depending on your relationship with her, they are all available in the game.

Other functionality was added to  make sure you can gift Chie the TV and the popcorn, as well as some number tweaks to allow her affection level to raise in an orderly way. If you don't know how to raise her affection level and are feeling stuck, just spend time with her over a few days and she should raise up in level.

I also worked (a little bit) on sound effect and how I want those to work during the Sex Scenes. I have a bit of a sytem that seems to work for now, but it still is requiring some tweaks.

I'm focusing on Chie so that I can get to her NEXT sex scene which the art is about 50% done already. I want to finish off the Chie stuff for now and officially release 0.1.0 at that point. Once that is done, I will  focus on Saki and Yukiko for the future updates before coming back to Chie.

Happy hunting ! I'm going to get back to it for next the update :D


  • Persona H The Midnight Channel 21 MB
    Feb 22, 2022
Download Persona H : The Midnight Channel
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