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Version 2.73 Update

MV - Dual Wield
A downloadable add-on

Greetings all.

After a lot of troubleshooting, and several reports of problems from one user, Recoculous, I have found a couple of bugs in the Dual Wield plugin, and corrected them. The following issues have been corrected:

  • Dual wield type actors who are using a shield will now do the correct damage with both their normal attacks, and skills which are tagged as <Dualwield skill>.
  • Skills which use the action sequence command dualwield action: x, will no longer repeat action sequence commands for actors who are dual wield type, but are not actively dual wielding.
  • Skills which hit multiple times will now correctly show a weapon attack motion for each hit after the first one, for actors who are dual wield type, but are not actively dual wielding.
  • The Attack Times+ trait now stacks correctly with dual wielding. A dual wielding actor will now get one extra attack for dual wielding, and any extra attacks from Attack Times+ will be added on to that.

With the exception of the last point up there, most of these issues came up with the v2.68 update. I had made a change to the way the plugin checked to see if an actor was dual wielding, but missed a couple of places where it was using the old method. As a result, some of the functions in the plugin now considered an actor who was dual wield type with a shield to be actively dual wielding, leading to the problems above.

The Attack Times+ issue has been a longstanding problem with the plugin. Recoculous had also reported this problem months ago, and I gave him a workaround until I could put it into a later update. The way the plugin originally checked attack times+ was to return either the number of attack times+ traits the actor had or 1, whichever was greater, meaning if the actor only had one attack times+ and was dual wield type, they would only get the extra dual wield attack, and not the bonus attack from the trait. I have changed it so that an actor who is actively dual wielding will have an extra attack on top of their attack times+ trait.

In addition to the above fixes I also made a slight compatibility change in this version. In all previous version I had overwritten a battle system function which was used in the YEP_BattleCore plugin to perform cleanup. I had overwritten this function to add my own dual wield commands to it, instead of monkeypatching it, meaning any other plugins that made changes to that original function would be ignored after mine was loaded. This should improve compatibility, but I never got any reports of any issues caused by it, so I'm not sure anything will have changed much. I ended up fixing this entirely by accident, as I just happened to see the overwritten function while I was fixing the above, and it's a really good example of what a bad programmer can do 3+ years ago because they didn't know any better ;)

That's all for this update. As always, you can download the updated plugin file from the store page, or by finding it in your library and redownloading it from there.



  • Dual Wield Plugin 67 kB
    Feb 22, 2022
Download MV - Dual Wield
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