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Better levels and multiplayer!

A downloadable game

With the recent addition of multiplayer, a different way of storing levels was needed. Thus, every level is now stored in its folder beside the executable. Containing information like the layout of the level, and prop data.

The layout is in the png format, so editing a level layout is fairly easy. Though the prop data is in a different file format, which would have to be parsed by a JSON utility. Which means that the only way to create a level is by editing the text file directly for props like saws and doors. This applies to me as the developer as well, which should hopefully force me to finally create an in-game level editor of some kind. Which is a nice feature to have in this game. The only downside, is that all of the previous levels would have to be re implemented from scratch.

There are some other benefits to this new level system, not only are the levels going to have 16x16 tiles instead of 32x32, but they will be editable, and synced across the network when joining someone else's game. So there will be twice more detail when editing a level.

For multiplayer, my progress on it has been going fairly well. Paints and players are synced flawlessly for the most part, and even the player on the world map gets synced. The only thing left is to implement a nicer menu for connecting to another player, because currently it just connects to by default.

Oh and the settings menu now actually works, and it will finally let you bind different keys.

After all this, in the future I plan to add medals and times to each level, as well as different "islands" and maybe even achievements, but that's for the far future.

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