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Expansion Core Beta Candidate 0.1 Patch Notes

Expansion Core
A downloadable game for Windows

NEW BUILD! Beta Candidate 0.1 Patch Notes:
With this build moving forward, I'm seriously looking towards releasing a true Beta for the game. What I consider as a "Beta" is a full experience. This means, a solid tutorial, a good amount of content, functional UI and an "ending." I have ending in quotes purely because I don't think that whatever ending I made will make it into the final version.

Major Features:
- Storm Aggression Re-rework: I've, once again, modified how the Storm aggression works. The Storms are now much more aggressive, but not tooooo aggressive. Behind the scenes, they have 3 aggression levels, linear movement, move to random location, chase player. The aggression cycles every 4 minutes and if the action is aggressive, they toggle back to linear movement after 60 seconds. This avoids situations where the Storm would non-stop chase the player for, hypothetically, the entire game (which I've tried. It's not fun).
- Storm Early Warning: Now that the Storm is more aggressive, I've added additional UI to the bottom left of the screen to warn the player if the Storm is actively chasing them. This will also play a new music track to further emphasize the danger.
- More Difficult Events/Trading: I've reworked a lot of the event code to spawn more enemies overall and take more time. This is because I want to make spawning HUBs and Trade Pods more of a challenge. Something to build up to doing, rather than a task that you have to complete every now and then. As such, I've also added an incentive to trading in higher level areas. Now, when a Trade Pod is calculated to be more difficult, the cost multiplier will go up (AKA you earn more money from trading). I think it's fair at the moment, but the only way to really see if it is, is a lot more playtesting.
- Enemy AI Update: Rewrote a lot of the enemy AI targeting to better pick targets. Before they would try to swap between two targets, rotating between them and never getting attacks off. Now they have a memory of which enemy was the highest threat and will swap targets much less frequently.

- New Saving System: I know that this has been a problem for a while, but it's just not fun to fix... but I did it finally! Now saving in game allows you to scroll through the save slots and overwrite specific slots instead of having to type them out. The UI isn't 100% there yet, but it's infinitely more functional than it was before.
- Readable Stats: I've made it so that in the ally/player menus you can view the current stats including; max health, max power, damage, attack speed, inventory capacity etc.
- Tooltips Galore: I've added tooltips to most of the items/blueprints/etc. in the game. They provide some information and have allowed me to remove the ugly item text that was on a lot of the icons. This also means that I can start fleshing out what each button does in the UI without much tutorial. The tooltips are on all of the important things, but my goal is to make tooltips for everything without being too intrusive.
- Better Upgrade Menu: There was a lot of feedback on the Upgrade menu being too difficult to parse. I've updated the visuals a bit and changed how some stuff works behind the scenes. I still want to work more on it, but I think it's a positive change overall.
- New Music Tracks: I've added 4 new ambient tracks, a new track for when the Storm is approaching, and a couple combat specific tracks that fade in and out to add onto the ambient tracks when in combat.
- Modifiable Night Speed: After some consideration, I've added an option that allows the player to speed up (or for the hardcore, slow down) the length of the night cycle. For now, it's defaulted to being 2x the speed of the day, seeing as that feels the best during playtests.

New Features:
- Updated the attack animations and attack particle effects to be more consistent and visible. This is to further emphasize when you do hit an object/enemy vs. when you missed.
- Lowered Evolved Sprinters damage (it was 4x stronger than intended!)
- Added an animation for when the player dies and extended the fade out time.
- Made flashlights automatically turn on at night for those who never found out that there was a flashlight.
- I've adjusted the default resolution to be 1920x1080 since that seems to be somewhat standard. It can still be modified in game and in the menu, so it shouldn't have too much of an impact.
- Removed the ability to load last game from the in-game pause menu. This feature was more for testing and after thinking long and hard about it, I've removed it from the menu. The main issue is that, because I intend to complete the multiplayer implementation in the future, loading the game mid-session would be a nightmare. So... I removed it.
- Updated some of the quest text to better explain mechanics.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Storms would disappear when climbing tall mountains
- Fixed an issue where Storms would load their positions too high in the sky and slowly drift down
- Fixed an issue causing the starting area to be pitch black sometimes
- Fixed the bug where the player could attack allies, which dealt no damage. To fix this I've disabled friendly fire
- Fixed a bug that was making allies not teleport with you to the HUB on death/respawn
- Fixed an issue where Drill-bot type allies would be pushed back by the Storm much further than other bot types

Behind the scenes:
- It's Beta time! This means that I'm fully going into bug fix mode until the branch is stable. Once it is stable, I can start adding new features again!


  • 465 MB
    Version 30
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