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Sputnik and beatnik

Stars Intruder
A downloadable game for Windows

Do you know about sputnik and beatnik? They are very different kind. But they are connected via space race era! This is something about Sputnik-1. Late 50s!

Sputnik and beatnik

Astronauts – are brave humans. And astronauts with blasters – are double time brave humans. Heroes. True heroes. As in action movies, but real! First man in the space, first man on the Moon, first man in the orbit with a blaster.

All of this are sweet moments of history, path to progress, space explore. Legendary days! Generation of a space forces. Satellites in orbit. All of these are the most important parts of human history. I am, as a space astronaut, all the time re read this pages of history. Space forces – are most valuable type of modern forces. They are not generated yesterday.

And special proud is pack of satellites in the orbit. I need to remember, in the context of spaceflight, a satellite is an object that has been intentionally placed into orbit. This satellite - it is also a wonderful technical invention. Saying a simple, it is a tin can. It is equipped with intelligence electronics. And while it is in the orbit, it can do maneuvers, and do some useful things.

Technology – it is all about us. As people say, it is required that technology is ok. By the way, first satellite was launched by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at 4th of October 1957. It was named as Sputnik-1. It was at parking orbit. It send a signal – “Beep, beep!”. Funny robot. Amusive robotics. This was a beginning of space era. Space race.

By the way, suffice “nik” back in English language, because of launch Sputnik-1. For example, combination of word – “beat” and word – “nik”, gives a concept – beatnik, that gives a description of beat culture.

These beatniks, saying the truth, are far away from being a computers fans. It is not about bit and byte. It is about another things. It is about music and so on. But it is part of era. So, this is a space program!

This is a space! Looks like, astronauts also make some culture impact. Mans of culture with technical education.

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