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February 2022 – Performance & Game Feel

Boom Shocketa: Rocket Storm
A downloadable game for Windows

First, the official page for this game is live.  See the records here.  These times are pretty tough, but the first individual to beat any of my times will be enshrined in the game's credits forever!  (To clarify, anyone who beats any of my times will be in the credits, as well as the first unique person to beat me on every single course [not including challenges]).

Alternately, if you want to check out my record runs, they are in this YouTube playlist.  Please hop into the Discord channel for competitive advice.

Main changes:

  • Removed any penalty to boost ability after a crash.
  • Added a new course to the Snowy Mountains level: Casual.  Give this one a spin!
  • Removed sensitivity exponent for mouse input entirely.  Control instantly feels sharper and more intuitive and I'm wondering why I ever thought exponential input for the mouse was superior.  I also tweaked the default mouse sensitivity.
  • Added a massive performance boost by reducing block draw calls from 1 per block to 1 per structure.  This does have a visual impact with block variety within a structure, but if your system can handle it (or if you want to check it out in free play), you can change 'block type' in the video settings from 'performance' to 'fancy.'  Performance is the default setting.
  • Some bug fixes behind the scenes which should reduce errors.


  • Windows 64 bit 2 GB
    Version 10
Download Boom Shocketa: Rocket Storm
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