is community of indie game creators and players


Funded & First Stretch Goal!

Dungeon Local 001
A downloadable game

Dearest Dungeon Denizens,

Well we had an incredible first day on Kickstarter. Not only did we fund in just 13 hours, but we've already surpassed our first stretch goal: colour covers for the game.

Follow along or get your rewards now!

We are quickly approaching our second stretch goal, which will be illustrations for each of the jobs in Dungeon Local 001. Jobs are like character classes or playbooks, they give you special abilities and different consequences and benefits for when you make an action roll. Dungeon Local will have 6 jobs, each with unique mechanics and memories of the dungeon.

Check out the KS page for more info about the game. I'll be updating it with more details about the game as the campaign continues!

Download Dungeon Local 001
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